Balancing work, life, and college isn’t easy. At United Way Benefits Hub, we provide free financial services to support students in four key areas:
- Highline Support Center Emergency Funding Request Form
- Highline College Foundation Academic Emergency Funding Form (tuition and textbooks)
Must sign into Google with a Student Highline Account before starting the form. Emergency Funding is open to students regardless of immigration or residency status including undocumented students.
- Financial Coaching
- Paying for College
- FAFSA/WASFA Application
- Scholarship Application
- Understanding Grants and Other Funding Sources
- Benefits Access
- Reduced Transit Fare (ORCA LIFT)
- Basic Food (SNAP/EBT)
- Health Insurance (Washington Apple Health)
- Free Tax Preparation
- Emergency Housing Funds
- Emergency Housing Navigation
- Search for Affordable Housing
- Utility Assistance
Available to any student, faculty or staff with a Highline or CWU Des Moines ID #
Schedule a one-on-one appointment
Financial Coaching: Build a personal savings and spendings plan, understand credit, and explore banking.
Paying for College: Connect to resources for financial aid, scholarships, and other funding sources.
Housing Support: Access funds, navigate emergency housing, and receive other support.
Benefits Access: Sign up for an ORCA LIFT card, EBT/food stamps, health insurance, and more.
What should I bring to my appointment?
- Documentation of income and expenses such as:
- Bank statements
- Credit card statements
- Pay stubs
- Receipts
- Bills
- Student Information
- Social Security Number
- Driver’s License or ID Card
- Alien Registration Number or Permanent Resident Card/Green Card (if student is not a US Citizen)
- 2018 Tax Return Transcript AND 2018 W-2(s)
- Any 2018 untaxed income information, such as child support
- Current balance of cash, savings, and checking account (amount only)
- Current net worth of your (and your spouse’s) business and investments
- Parent Information (if student is under 24 years of age)
- Date of marriage and/or divorce (if parents are married or divorced)
- Social Security Number
- Email Address
- Alien Registration Number or Permanent Resident Card/Green Card (if student is not a US Citizen)
- 2018 Tax Return Transcript AND 2018 W-2(s)
- Current balance of cash, savings, and checking account (amount only)
- Current net worth of business and investments
- Photo ID
- Copy of Lease (if applicable)
- Notice to pay, balance owed, or bill
- W-9 from landlord
- Photo ID such as Driver’s License or Passport
- Proof of income for your household such as:
- Pay stubs from the last 30 days
- Bank statements
- Letter from employer
- Social Security Numbers for all household members if possible (not required to complete the application)
- Photo ID such as Driver’s License or Passport
- Proof of income for your household such as:
- Pay stubs from the last 30 days
- Bank statements
- Letter from employer
- Social Security Numbers for all household members if possible (not required to complete the application
- Photo ID such as Driver’s License or Passport
- Proof of income for your household such as:
- Pay stubs from the last 30 days
- Bank statements
- Letter from employer
- Social Security Numbers for all household members if possible (not required to complete the application)
- Citizenship/residency or another type of status documents, if applicable
Contact Us!
Email: benefitshub@highline.edu
Coach | BH Phone | |
Bezawit | 206-649-8124 ext. 36 | bbelete@highline.edu |
Monique | 206-649-8124 ext. 35 | mgreen@highline.edu |
Ashley | 206-649-8124 ext. 37 | adowerswhite@highline.edu |
Financial Workshops
Benefits Hub collaborates with teachers, clubs, learning cohorts, and more to create unique financial workshops for students.
We present on a wide range of topics such as Understanding Banking, Cooking on a Budget and Finances for the Working Professional.

Interested in collaborating with Benefits Hub to put on a financial workshop?
Click here to fill out our workshop request form.
For any other workshops or other Benefits Hub requests, click HERE
Community Pantry
Interested in getting FREE grab-and-go lunches, snacks, fruits and veggies, and more? Click here to find out more about the Community Pantry.
Wondering how you can request for your class to visit the pantry? Click HERE
Or, how you can request items for your event through the pantry? Click HERE